
Selasa, 01 September 2015


                Malang is the small city in east java (apple city). There is many kind tourism place. Many people choose malang for holiday or refreshing. Why people choose malang for their holiday.? Because malang have cool air and beautiful scene like mountain and park.

            Sengkaling , sengkaling is one of famous place in malang. Exactly of the place in mulyoagung street no.188, sengkaling, malang. You can visit in here use personal transportation because there is wide parking area , or you can use public transportation.  Sengkaling have many facilities and vehicle for child and adult. The price of ticket is very cheap, start from Rp 15.000 until Rp 30.000 we can enjoy all of vehicle in sengkaling.

            Sengkaling have many kind of pool, there is ship pool, mysterious pool, squid pool, ect. Not just that, there is also have many vehicle like bumper boat, gokart, flying fox, ATV, kiddy car, boom boom car, mini trail, etc. Be side have many kind vehicle, this tourism place complete with restouran. The name is “sengkaling food festival”  (SFF). If you feel hungry, you can visit this place. Because this place have  many kind menu of food and drink what you want, but special menu in here that is traditional food from malang.

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